Washington Chimuzu
Project Manager
Washington Chimuzu is an expert in developing and executing complex infrastructures with over 15 years of international experience in portfolio, program, project, product, and procurement management. His disciplined execution and attention to detail ensure flawless project delivery every time.
But Washington is more than just a skilled project manager. He’s a passionate collaborator, a visionary leader, and a true connector—aptly dubbed the "Kevin Bacon of Malawi" for his ability to bring people together. As a proud Fulbright alumnus, he carries a deep sense of responsibility to create lasting impact, using every challenge as fuel to sharpen his leadership and strategic thinking. His career has been shaped by working alongside exceptional companies and visionary leaders, and his influence spans the globe.
At Freshwater Project International, Washington is the driving force behind turning visions into reality, representing the organization across multiple platforms and advancing its mission in Malawi. His gentle, diplomatic approach and remarkable ability to forge positive, win-win connections benefit not only the organization and its partners but, more importantly, uplift the lives of those they serve.
Washington’s professionalism, tact, and warmth have left an indelible mark. His leadership continues to guide Freshwater towards a brighter future, and his unwavering commitment to the mission inspires everyone around him. Washington, you are a beacon of hope, and we are profoundly grateful for the incredible difference you make in so many lives.